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英才学习-阿江2年前 (2023-09-14)语法398


apple of one's eye


apple of one's eye


起源方面,这个短语最早可以追溯到圣经中的诗篇。在《圣经·旧约·诗篇》第17章8节中,有一句话是:"Keep me as the apple of the eye",意思是"保护我如同眼中的瞳孔一样"。这个比喻意味着保护某人或某物就像保护眼睛中最重要的部分一样。

1. "His daughter is the apple of his eye. He loves her more than anything in the world."


2. "The old man's vintage car was the apple of his eye. He took great care of it and cherished it deeply."


3. "She is the apple of her parents' eyes. They are always proud of her achievements."


4. "The little puppy became the apple of the family's eyes. They couldn't resist its adorable charm."


5. "Her artwork is the apple of the art gallery's eye. They consider her a talented and promising artist."


the cherry on the cake


在现代用法中,"the cherry on the cake" 通常用来表示某个事物或情况中最后的、额外的或特别的部分,使其更加完美或令人满意。

1. "Winning the lottery was great, but getting a free trip to Hawaii was the cherry on the cake!"


2. "She got a promotion at work and a salary raise. The cherry on the cake was when her boss praised her publicly."


3. "The concert was amazing, and the surprise guest appearance by her favorite singer was the cherry on the cake."


4. "The wedding was beautiful, and the stunning fireworks display at the end was the cherry on the cake."


5. "The team won the championship, and the captain's winning goal in the final seconds was the cherry on the cake."


a perfect peach


1. "She looked stunning in that dress. She was a perfect peach."


2. "The house was beautifully decorated, and the garden was a perfect peach."


3. "His performance in the play was flawless. He delivered every line perfectly. He was a perfect peach on stage."


4. "The cake she baked was not only delicious but also beautifully decorated. It was a perfect peach."


5. "The project was executed flawlessly, and the final result was a perfect peach."


apples and oranges


1. "Comparing their salaries is like comparing apples and oranges. They work in completely different industries."


2. "You can't compare the two paintings. They are like apples and oranges in terms of style and technique."


3. "Trying to decide between a beach vacation and a mountain retreat is like comparing apples and oranges. They offer completely different experiences."


4. "Don't compare their academic achievements. They are in different fields of study, so it's like comparing apples and oranges."


5. "You can't judge their performances based on the same criteria. It's like comparing apples and oranges."








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