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女朋友是 girl friend还是girlfriend?

英才学习-阿江2年前 (2023-09-14)语法403

女朋友是 girl friend还是girlfriend?

girl friend vs. girlfriend


girl friend

Girl friend说的是女性朋友,通常是指没有亲密关系的普通女性朋友,女生也可以用girl friend来表示自己的女性朋友。

除了girl friend以外,还可以用female friend来表达。同理,boy friend/male friend也就是“男性朋友”。


如果是没有空格的“girlfriend”,才指有恋爱关系(romantic relationship)的“女朋友”哦!相应地,男朋友的英语为boyfriend。

1. "I introduced my girlfriend to my parents last night."


2. "They have been dating for three years, and she is his girlfriend."


3. "I'm going out with my girlfriend tonight."


4. "He surprised his girlfriend with a romantic dinner."


5. "She is my best friend and also my girlfriend."



bosom friend 知己

知己可以用 bosom /ˈbʊzəm/ friend来表示,friend也可以换成buddy或者pal,词典中的释义是a very close friend,即密友,知己,心腹之交。

王勃的名句“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”就可以翻译为:A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.

"bosom friend" 这个短语最早出现在英语文学中,可以追溯到16世纪。它由 "bosom"(胸部)和 "friend"(朋友)两个词组合而成,原意是指与心灵紧密相连的朋友。在现代用法中,"bosom friend" 用来形容那些非常亲密、信任和深入了解彼此的朋友。这种关系通常建立在长期的友谊和情感支持上。

1. "She has been my bosom friend since childhood. We share everything with each other."


2. "I can always count on my bosom friend for advice and support."


3. "We've been through thick and thin together. She's my bosom friend."


4. "He is not just a friend, he is my bosom friend. We understand each other like no one else."


5. "I consider her my bosom friend because she knows me better than anyone else."


childhood playmate青梅竹马

青梅竹马或者发小都是从小一起玩到大的好朋友,可以用childhood playmates或childhood sweetheart来表示。

Ali and Baba grew up together as childhood playmate — at least until polio crippled Ali's leg — just like Hassan and I grew up a generation later.


——《追风筝的人》(The Kite Runner)

fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友

"fair-weather friend" 这个短语源自航海术语。在航海中,"fair-weather" 指的是晴朗、平静的天气,而 "friend" 指的是朋友。因此,"fair-weather friend" 的字面意思是在晴朗天气下的朋友。

在现代用法中,"fair-weather friend" 用来形容那些只在顺利时期与你保持友好关系,但在困难或逆境中不给予支持、背离你或远离你的人。这种朋友关系通常是表面上的,缺乏真正的忠诚和支持。

1. "He was there for me when everything was going well, but as soon as I faced difficulties, he disappeared. He turned out to be a fair-weather friend."


2. "She's always around when there's something to celebrate, but when I needed her during my tough times, she was nowhere to be found. She's just a fair-weather friend."


3. "I thought we were close friends, but when I went through a rough patch, he distanced himself from me. Turns out he's just a fair-weather friend."


4. "A fair-weather friend is someone who is only there for the good times and disappears when things get tough."

(一个只在顺利时期支持你,一旦事情变得困难就消失的人就是 fair-weather friend。)

5. "I learned the hard way that fair-weather friends are not worth investing your time and trust in."


frenemy 友敌


"Frenemy" 是一个合成词,结合了 "friend"(朋友)和 "enemy"(敌人),用来形容那些既是朋友又是敌人的人。

在现代用法中,"frenemy" 用来形容那些表面上是朋友,但实际上存在敌意、嫉妒或竞争关系的人。这种关系通常是复杂而混乱的,既有友善的一面,又有敌对的一面。

1. "She's my frenemy. We hang out together and have fun, but I always feel like she's secretly trying to undermine me."

(她是我的 frenemy。我们一起出去玩,很开心,但我总觉得她暗地里在试图损害我。)

2. "He's always smiling and acting friendly, but I can sense the underlying competition. He's definitely a frenemy."

(他总是微笑着表现得友善,但我能感觉到背后的竞争。他绝对是个 frenemy。)

3. "I used to consider her my best friend, but over time, I realized she was actually my frenemy. She would pretend to support me but then sabotage my success."

(我过去把她当作我最好的朋友,但随着时间的推移,我意识到她实际上是我的 frenemy。她会假装支持我,但却破坏我的成功。)

4. "It's a complicated relationship. We're frenemies—we compete with each other but also have a certain level of respect."

(这是一种复杂的关系。我们是 frenemies,我们互相竞争,但也有一定程度的尊重。)

5. "I have to be careful with her. She's a frenemy, and I never know when she might turn against me."

(我必须小心对待她。她是我的 frenemy,我永远不知道她什么时候会背叛我。)







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